We are in the era of constant change, and the workplace is changing more than ever.
There are four main categories that are driving this change: demographic change, technology, environment and society, and competition.
Demographic change includes generational change, the expansion of the female workforce and a broader ethnic mix, whose life priorities and vision of work is different from the traditional one.
Technology is also changing the way people work, including location flexibility.
The environment and society is another Ecuador Mobile Number List factor that is affecting work as companies now place more importance on social-corporate responsibility , among other reasons, to maintain credibility in the eyes of their consumers and employees, both existing and potential. .
Finally, increasing competition is having a strong impact on work culture.
The focus on maximum productivity leads to a high-performance culture.
The changing demographics
In 2030, the world's population will be made up of 15.3% members of Generation X, 19.6% of Millennials and 21.2% of Generation Z.
With this great change, the population will be mainly composed of these groups.
There are several definitions for Millennials, but they were born roughly between the early 1980s and early 1990s and are young adults in the 21st century and the generation following the Millennials is Generation Z.
This will generate a change in the workplace, since both Millennials and Generation Z have different life motivations.
They tend to be more adventurous and ambitious and less tied to long-term employment.
Along with a rise in Millennials and Generation Z, there is a rise in women in higher education.
In 2017, there were 7 million more female students in higher education than male students.
With increased female participation in the workforce, workplace culture is expected to change to suit their work style and help them improve their productivity.
Environmental and social challenges put pressure on companies to be ethical.
Global Market Changes in the Workplace
Global Market Changes in the Workplace
Companies cannot ignore the ecosystem in which they operate
Climate change is at play and we are seeing limited resources depleted at a faster rate than they are replenished.
This increases the risk factor for companies, meaning investors are likely to be more cautious about investing in a company that is exposed to supply chain risks.
If companies are seen as not caring about the ecosystem, they risk losing credibility, especially in an era of profound social media influence that can cause information to spread like wildfire.