This is how stores personalize assortment and delivery; the Internet of Things. Big data and the Internet of Things are inextricably linked. Industrial and household appliances connected to the Internet of Things collect massive amounts of data and the operation of of this data; real estate market. The developer collects and analyzes the entire array of information using big data technology, and then provides the user with options that interest him most.
Now the prospective buyer can see the house he likes without the seller; sporty. With the moible number data help of big data, football clubs select the most promising players in Russia and the world. According to big data, the amount of digital data stored in the world has increased in 2009: from to (trillions). In 2009, the world generated as much data every minute as it did in the whole year. It is said that by 2010, the world has accumulated data (billion). Over the years, then only companies worldwide use big data.

Most of the data will be generated by the companies themselves, not their customers. At the same time, an average user communicates about several times a day with various devices that generate data. Five years ago, the first big data was used in mobile, telecommunications and banking. It is in these areas that vast amounts of data on transactions, geolocations, search queries and web profiles are amassed. In 2010, the profit brought by the use of big data was estimated at 100 million U.S. dollars, increasing year-on-year.