Finally at the bottom of the page click on the Create Service button This will trigger the deployment process Once the deployment is complete you will be able to access the provided to view your. Copy from the location shown below and navigate to the sample Deployment Application in the route in a new browser window. Now that your application is deployed you will deploy the application. Return to the Rendering Dashboard and click the New button at the top of the page. Select the Static site option to connect this static site to your application's repository. You will be prompted again to fill in some details for deploying this application. Select any name you want for the branch build command. Release directory. Under the advanced section add an environment variable named with the value of the one you deployed in the route. For example, finally click the Create Static Site button at the bottom of the page to deploy the application. Once deployment is complete, go to the top of the page.
If all went well you should see your application live Summary and final thoughts In this article you completed the application and deployed it Along the way you set up your two code bases to keep typ photo editing servies es in sync across the stack Publish to Deploy Two Applications Using Rendering In this series you walked through every step of building a fully type-safe application using and as the primary technology. The combined power of all the tools you use allows you to build scalable and secure applications. If you have any questions about anything covered in this series please feel free to contact me on . EDUCATION Don't miss the next article and the end-to-end type security series by Sabine Adams, Sabin Adams, Sabin Dev, minutes of reading time. In this series you will learn how to use and a few others to combine these three together.
Useful tools to achieve end-to-end type safety. Part 2 Using and Implementing End-to-End Type Safety Front End Part 3 Using and Implementing End-to-End Type Safety Getting Ready Part 3 End-to-End Type Safety Now Reading Part 2 Using and Implementing End-to-End Type Safety and Deployment Directory Introduction to You Knowledge of the technologies that will be used Assumed Development environment Start the server Set up the schema generator Define the scalar types Add the plug-in Create a reusable instance of the client Define your types Implement your queries Apply the schema Summary What's next Introduction In this section you'll go through the fleshing out to build the project set up in the previous article in this series. At this point in the build you will focus on ensuring that the data handling in the interactive parser with the database and the data responses are all type safe and that these types are synchronized.