The loading speed, meta description, meta title, H1 and H2, ALT text, existence of a site map and many other elements are also checked. Immediately after the technical and content analysis of the website, the keyword analysis is carried out. Many times clients are surprised that they chose the wrong keywords for their website. The list of keywords on the basis of which optimization is done must be built according to the monthly search volume. Each word has a monthly search volume identified by Google. If the monthly results are small, we do not recommend using that keyword. There are tools used by specialists in the field to identify this search volume as best as possible.
We have access to such tools and use them when doing keyword analysis Special Data for our clients. Example of search volume for a keyword We choose the keywords so that there are many searches for them and the number of visitors to the site can increase. For example, in the case of the SEO field, there is the expression "SEO agency" which is used by those interested in SEO to find an agency to collaborate with. 1,000 searches month after month. We use this keyword to optimize a page on our website knowing that approximately 1,000 people search for the services of an SEO optimization agency with this expression. The advantage of being first on the page with an SEO company If you already own an online business or are about to transpose.
Into the digital environment, your website must appear among the first results of search engines. To get more customers through Google searches, to appear online before your competitors, and to sell to a larger audience of consumers, any business needs professional SEO services. The algorithms imposed by Google are equipped with artificial intelligence and can be updated from time to time, however specialists are aware of the latest news and lay the foundations of current sites and in accordance with what is required online. After carrying out an SEO audit to determine the strengths and weaknesses of a brand, the specialists will consider the most important parameters according to which the Google search engine can index or penalize a certain website. The optimization services offered by an SEO firm is the stable way to grow SEO.