As usual, this year we were diligent and obtained some of the tax residency certificates valid for 2019. If you don't believe us, you can find them below. This list is work in progress - we will add more certificates to it as we get them. We also receive certificates obtained by readers, so if you have such a certificate, please send it to us at suport@netlogiq.ro , the country will be grateful to you You can download these certificates for 2019 directly from our article: Facebook tax residency certificate : Facebook Ireland – Romania Double Taxation Agreement 2019 Google tax residency certificate : Google AdWords Romania-Double Taxation Agreement 2019.
Twitter tax residence certificate : Twitter – Tax residence certificate 2019 LinkedIn tax residence certificate : LinkedIn – Tax residence certificate 2019 Mailchimp tax residence certificate : Mailchimp – Tax residence certificate 2019 Dreamstime tax residence certificate : Dreamstime – Tax Phone Number Data residence certificate 2019 Envato tax residence certificate : Envato – Tax residence certificate 2019 Active Campaign fiscal residence certificate : Active Campaign – Tax residence certificate 2019 Microsoft tax residency certificate : Microsoft Ireland Operations Ltd Certificate of Residence 2019 We also have the tax residency certificates for 2016 , 2017 and 2018 .

We work annually on dozens of marketing projects, bigger or smaller, each with its own challenges, and some of them remain deeply imprinted in our memory. Pro Nutrition Fit Challenge is one of our favorite projects, it is the project that grew with us and in which we put all our skill and experience to the test. The challenges of the project were significant, and solving them often required complex marketing solutions. As I told in a previous article , the brief was a challenging one, but the solution we found was also a tailor-made one. Below, in the article, I have detailed a little of the work done and the solutions we found to solve the challenges along the way. You will find them ordered by marketing channels and not according to the project timeline.