Involve the sales force If you struggle to find relevant topics for content, talk to salespeople and ask them to write down the most frequently asked questions customers ask during meetings. Most people who are about to make a purchase want to know: how much does the product/service offered cost what options are available what are the advantages compared to other solutions on the market what problems could arise where they can read customer experiences or business cases Answer these questions in blog articles , but don't wait for customers to find them.
An inbound sales strategy requires salespeople to use this content to anticipate prospects and ensure Photo Editing Services that they arrive at scheduled meetings with some doubts already clarified. Inbound SalesThe important thing is that everyone knows how to orient themselves. This is where the second piece of advice comes from. . Make content accessible and easy to find If the B B website is poorly organised, navigation will be complex and contents will be difficult to intercept, both for potential customers and for the sales force. In this article we talked about how to optimize your company website in steps.

And if you want to learn more, here's a video about it: Inbound sales: advice for the sales force While there's no perfect way to use content in business meetings, there are a couple of important things to consider. . Use content both proactively and retroactively Being proactive means answering prospects' frequently asked questions in advance by sending educational and informational content before the meeting. The objective is to optimize times and ensure that prospects arrive prepared. Once the meeting is over, the salespeople's instinct is to send a follow-up email to make themselves available in case of further questions.