Programming: Page loading speed
Monitoring monitoring You will quickly lose track of large pages. Cross-domain visitor numbers or visibility indices are all well and good, but that is not enough to take timely countermeasures and proactively intervene in important areas. Especially for large sites, it is worth creating a keyword map : It lists all the important keywords and the corresponding landing pages. The landing pages can then be segmented: For example, into subject areas and page types (product detail pages, shop categories, content, ...). This makes it easy to break down in monitoring which areas are performing better and which are performing less well. This knowledge is the be-all and end-all for proper prioritization of all tasks. 5.Departmental policy politics One of the most important criteria for a good in-house India Phone Number SEO or service provider for large portals is how it fits into the company structure. Neither a “Here I come, SEO is the most important thing and you obey me now” mentality is an advantage, nor is a cowering mentality: a lot of assertiveness, but above all the ability to communicate and willingness to reach consensus are the most important attributes. Management: How much budget is released for SEO? Only if management understands that SEO is important and useful will the other departments prioritize your topics. URL structure, 301 redirects, filter functions and dozens of other areas - when it comes to programming, the SEO usually encounters strong resistance and has to fight for his slots.
Programmers have to recognize the practical use behind SEO, then they will be happy to free up slots. Content manager: How good is the content of the website? This also includes things like product photos or the quality of the editorial team. The fact that an SEO should have a say here is still incomprehensible to many people. Ultimately, that is exactly the core of SEO today: the search experience. Social Media: Who does social media and how well? High-quality traffic, good networking, a strong brand: all of this is good support for SEO. Marketing & PR: Do you run offline campaigns, collaborations, competitions? How good is the PR department? If the brand is actively built, it also helps the rankings.